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Reiki 1 / Reiki 2 / Reiki 3A - Advanced Course

This is a fully comprehensive course and will run over week nights (once a week) for 16 weeks or weekends (2 weekends a month for 4 months). There are shorter courses available but I believe these courses do not give you the full understanding or knowledge one needs in order to be the best Reiki practitioner you can be. With theory and not enough practical, once would be doing themselves a disservice.


What you will learn: 


*Healing techniques, intuitive healing, psychic healing & self healing.


*The Aura and how to see the aura.


*The major Chakras. Pendulum dowsing for the chakras and how to balance them. 


*How to perform a healing session as well as hygienic practices, counseling and listening skills, a therapists ethics and record keeping. 


*Meditation skills, spirit guides and angels. 


*Basic anatomy. 


*Self-empowerment and personal growth.

*Chinese meridians.


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